
Sourcing & Screening
Recruiting good staff is more than a CV. We like customization and that is also appreciated. If the candidates come forward, we will screen and select. In addition to the letter and CV, we will conduct interviews and present cases. After a company-wide orientation, we get to work and determine which instruments will be used. An interview with several candidates at the same time can also lead to interesting insights

Executive Search
With our 25 years of experience we will go and search for the right candidate for the right place. Our network is growing and gives us a great spot in our niche and beyond. We searched succesfully in IT, legal, HR and finance backgrounds.
The match between corporate culture, vacancy and candidate is most important. In 2023 we like to use the latest online options to find the perfect candidate. The real People's business.

This is the TOP piece. Bergtopper likes to work on developing basic skills and tasks. We make an assessment of that. In addition to IQ, we certainly also look at EQ and RQ. A good closing piece is also part of this with an in-house drink.

BergTopper has a lot to offer in the field of Recruitment. We like to think along to set up a good recruitment strategy.
How I work
Recruiting the way I would like it
Thorough Intake
Achieving success with recruitment depends on a thorough vacancy intake. I want to understand what the position requires and what kind of team someone will be working in. I want to be able to taste the company culture and translate it into the right fit.
Honest and transparent
In the world I come from and in my experience, we make good and clear agreements. Rather in words than in pages long contracts, we just get to work and know what we can expect from each other. My guarantee is a successful placement. If I cannot find anyone, there is no suitable candidate within the possibilities.
24/7 Support
Customers who know me know that I go for it, often in my own way. Unorthodox and full of courage, but empathetic and available 24/7, a good candidate cannot be captured by structure but by customization.
How much does that cost?
I work with different price agreements and can adapt to the customer's wishes. No cure No pay is possible, this is a rate. I usually work with a starting rate for the intake of 1750 and a reward for placement of 10%.
Application form
Complete the form if you would like to know more about the possibilities of the position